Cedar Valley Lutheran Church

Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM.

Sunday Morning Worship
Our 9:30 AM service follows the liturgical forms found in the Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW). It is traditional in nature, intimate in character, and informal in structure.
Holy Communion is celebrated at every service and is open to all who would find it to be a blessing upon their lives.
Those wishing to celebrate the sacrament of Holy Baptism are asked to talk to the pastor and make the necessary arrangements. Typically, baptisms take place during the regular worship service.
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Worship Service is held on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM.

Special Services
We offer a number of special services in keeping with the seasons of the church year.
During Lent and Holy Week we have special mid-week services on Ash Wednesday and on Maudy Thursday. These opportunities at the beginning and the end of the Lenten liturgical season set a reflective mood to contemplate your faith journey and the significance of Christ's death and resurrection.
Outdoor (weather permitting) worship is held the fourth Sunday from May through September. These offer up old time gospel/bluegrass music led by Jim Pries and his friends, the True Faith Troubadours. Bring your lawn chair, clothing appropriate for the weather, and stay for coffee and refreshments after worship.
On Christmas Eve we gather to celebrate the birth of Jesus and the joy and peace he brings into the world.

Our intimate space offers couples a simple,
yet beautiful place to consecrate the most intimate of relationships blessed by God.
Couples do not have to be members to use the church. We do ask, however, that couples abide by the wedding policies established by the congregation.
Funerals / Burials
We are happy to offer grieving families a place to find comfort and consolation at a time of loss. Funeral directors, in coordination with the pastor know how to make that a reality. It is also possible to have your loved ones buried in our cemetery.