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Christian Education

As Lutherans, our roots take us deep into the scriptures.  Martin Luther once said that the open Bible is the cradle that holds the Christ child.  By that he meant that it is in and through the scriptures that we behold the wonder of God among us and encounter the good news of life and salvation that Jesus brings to the world.
Sunday School


At this time we don't have any school age children to take advantage of Sunday School.  This is something the pastor and parents will figure out together when we get to the point of again having those old enough to pass on the faith to future generations.


Confirmation is typically offered to students who are in 7th and 8th grade and is conducted by the pastor.  The confirmation program is completed over the course of a single academic school year and includes a week long summer Bible Camp experience.  Confirmation prepares students to make an affirmation of their Baptismal vows and lead them into greater participation into the life of the church.​


© 2013 Cedar Valley Lutheran Church  |  27076 Cedar Church Road, Winona, MN 55987  |

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